Our Fiberglass hoods are engineered for strength and reliability. Instead of the cheap inserts placed into the fiberglass, which can be ripped out the hinge and latch. areas. H.O. Fibertrends takes the time to laminate blocks of aircraft quality aluminum into the fiberglass under structure. The hinge areas come predrilled and threaded. The latch is metal reinforced. So when the hood arrives its ready to be installed.
After our hoods come out of their molds, we remove the flashing and finish the edges for you. Filling the gapes left by bonding the top and bottom structures together, Most of the hoods you buy from our competitors rely on you or your body shop to make those repairs before painting the hood.
Pulling all this together. The hoods made by H.O. Fibertrends give you the best value in a quality well fitting body part.